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Kamenec-Podolsky (Ucrania), 1967

palette of tinges, palette of colours,footsteps of human feelings and sense for remembranceshortly harrowing perception of raw tone of saxophone like nail of femme fatale in ecstasy once - even now –and peace in heart again - just as Muse and woman can..let yourself be led through meanders of life – beloved, through nooks of colourful memories,through dusk like dedicated for kisseswhere perhaps only painter´s Parisian blue will cover lovers..through alleyways of broken colours,around corners of tones with echo in lining in your heart. yes, belovedspoil Muses for moment. I want to hear you, I want to feel you - I want to have you.. let yourself be led...MILAN HORSKÝ, National Theatre, Brno

Viktor Zakrynycny is a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Kamenec-Podolsky National University, Ukraine (1988-1993). Longing to see the world since his adolescence, he moved to Athens in 1996. He got acquainted with the antique art and he studied with the sculptor Ramazi. He has a second home in Brno since the late nineties. From here he travels for the cognition – to Paris, Gdansk, Venice, to Crete... He is devoted to drawing and painting above all and he has a few students, which he teaches the basics of drawing and the culture of colours.He says: My aim is not the outer reality but the impression.




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