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joao a. rebelo

Lamego (Portugal), 1956

Me gostaria de mostar mis pinturas.

Born in Tomar, Ribatejo, Portugal in 1956, he earlier feels the colors and shapes and comes drawing.A self-taught artist. He studies Philosophy at Lisbon University. Now teaches at Peso da Regua, Douro.He made several solo exhibitions in Portugal.A few years ago he fined the mysteries of the wine yard. So he stated studied the plant looking at it along the year capturing the changes and colors. Also the unknowing people of region. Like little grapes they struggle for their lives.Now he has a new project showing the myths the feelings and emotions of this people with religion and deep fears.Now has works on a few online galleries such as:www.saatchionline.com (Uk)www.artmajeur.com (France)www.ataw-art.com (China)www.Artelista.com (Spain)

Acrilos sobre tela, esculturas em papel, cartão



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